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Made in

Easy to use

Accurate and

Hight Value
Low Price

All our knowledge and usability in a desktop 3D scanner. The perfect partner for your scan: easy to use with an open system
3D scanner LOGICO is a structured light optical scanner developed by ABACUS using thirty years of experience with CAD-CAM and measuring instruments to meet end user requirements. LOGICO 3D is built using components of the highest quality to ensure maximum performance in a design very exclusive.

High quality in a small price
We believe in knowledge, for this reason we make a lot of investments to integrate hardware and software in a smart way.

Our 3D scanner is for every kind of users, basic and expert customers.
Easy to use allow fast scan.
We offer you a scan in only 60 seconds.
Our 3D scanner Logico enables various scanning techniques based on the users needs.
In few minutes the STL can be transfer to a CAD or CAM system or to a 3D printers.

3D scanner Logico deliver data in an open STL format (non encrypted).
Easy transfer of data with any CAD system.

Our 3D scanner Logico has a compact design combined with a large barrier free working area (articulator).
Our 3D scanner Logico allow an accurate calibration of 10 microns and thus enables a high accuracy scanning of small objects ensuring excellent results.

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Escaneo de anillo
Escaneo de estatua Thun 1
Escaneo de Embalaje
Escaneando un huevo
Bust Scan
Escáner L1 3D LOGIC para ortodoncia
Escáner 3D L1 LOGIC para diseñar
LOGO 3D L1 para esqueleto
Escáner L2 3D LOGIC, sistema de implantes Exocad y Elos
3D Logic Scanner L1 Orthodontic
[/mk_fancy_title][mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”large” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Scanner-Logico-3D-EN1.pdf” button_custom_width=”200″ el_class=”boton_comprar” bg_color=”#8224e3″ btn_hover_bg=”#252525″]DOWNLOAD NOW[/mk_button]

[/mk_fancy_title][mk_button dimension=”flat” size=”large” url=”/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logico-comparison-table.pdf” button_custom_width=”200″ el_class=”boton_comprar” bg_color=”#8224e3″ btn_hover_bg=”#252525″]DOWNLOAD NOW[/mk_button]