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[mk_fancy_title tag_name=”h1″ color=”#0a0a0a” size=”30″ font_weight=”bold” font_style=”inhert” letter_spacing=”7″ margin_bottom=”18″ font_family=”none”]Micro M3D Printer 3D[/mk_fancy_title]
The first truly consumer 3D printer meticulously designed
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[mk_faq faq_cat=”m3d-micro, print-3d”]
[mk_table]What’s Included
M3D software for an effortless, plug-and-play experience
Micro motion sensor for accuracy and ease of use
USB cable
Power Adapter (Country-Specific)
Technical Specifications
Supports many different materials: ABS, PLA, nylon, professional, chameleon
50-350 micron layer resolution
15 micron X and Y positioning accuracy
Filament: standard 1.75mm. 1/2lb rolls fit within print bed and allow you to try a variety of materials and colors for less! Standard filament rolls also supported.
Print height: 116mm (4.6″)
Base Print Area: 109mm x 113mm
Print Area Above 74mm: 91mm x 84mm
Removable Print Bed Size: 128x128mm
Printer Dimensions: It’s a cube, 7.3 in (185 mm) per side.
Printer weight: 1kg (2.2 lbs)
Package weight: 2kg – 2.7kg (4.4 lbs – 6 lbs)
USB Compatible
M3D software for an effortless, plug-and-play experience
Supports and uses open source software (for advanced users)
File Types Supported: .stl, .obj
Compatible with Mac and PC. Linux will also likely be supported.[/mk_table]
M3D software for an effortless, plug-and-play experience
Micro motion sensor for accuracy and ease of use
USB cable
Power Adapter (Country-Specific)
Technical Specifications
Supports many different materials: ABS, PLA, nylon, professional, chameleon
50-350 micron layer resolution
15 micron X and Y positioning accuracy
Filament: standard 1.75mm. 1/2lb rolls fit within print bed and allow you to try a variety of materials and colors for less! Standard filament rolls also supported.
Print height: 116mm (4.6″)
Base Print Area: 109mm x 113mm
Print Area Above 74mm: 91mm x 84mm
Removable Print Bed Size: 128x128mm
Printer Dimensions: It’s a cube, 7.3 in (185 mm) per side.
Printer weight: 1kg (2.2 lbs)
Package weight: 2kg – 2.7kg (4.4 lbs – 6 lbs)
USB Compatible
M3D software for an effortless, plug-and-play experience
Supports and uses open source software (for advanced users)
File Types Supported: .stl, .obj
Compatible with Mac and PC. Linux will also likely be supported.[/mk_table]
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Pay with your credit card
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